FYI (zwiki & plone thread)

Simon Michael simon at
Fri May 13 17:08:37 UTC 2005

FYI, an excerpt from :

Simon Michael wrote in :
>> But it *does* suck to put it inside Plone; it's like
>> carrying your motorcycle on your back when you ride your bicycle.
> I don't think this is always true. Even with the improvements in 2.1 
> which I haven't seen, I think the complexity of Plone's model is not 
> always appropriate. I think wiki is a familiar, simpler alternative 
> which also has it's place, even sometimes within a plone site. So I 
> think we should do what we can to make this non-confusing and non-sucky.
> Yet at other times, I think that comment is apt. I think it was 
> inappropriate for the Ubuntu zwiki, and has killed it. (There are many 
> problems around that website, basically for want of a dedicated zope 
> hosting expert, but the slower and more complex (to wiki users) plone 
> skin was one of them.
> I welcome your thoughts. Also it would be really good to hear from a lot 
> of zwiki-and-plone users out there. More real world user feedback is 
> always useful.

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