Withdrawing from docteam: need new mailing list admin

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at puzzling.org
Fri May 13 05:16:20 UTC 2005

Hi folks,

I'm posting this to say that I'm not intending to continue to contribute
to the docteam. I'm involved in varying degrees with about four other
FOSS projects and communities (as well as of course doing other things)
and I just don't have any time

I haven't been a very active contributor to the docteam at all, and
would therefore usually just quietly fade away rather than posting, but
a couple of things:

 1. I'll set up the ability for French discussion to take place on this
    list as my last thing.

 2. Someone else will need to follow up on the thread organising the
    next IRC meeting.

 3. I would like to hand over list administration to another person or
    preferrably people. I will keep being a list admin until I get
    volunteers, but I won't be subscribed to the list itself, which is a
    bad thing for a list admin. Please mail me off-list if you're
    willing to help out.


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