How to organise translated pages in a wiki?

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Thu May 12 21:47:06 UTC 2005

It is currently done by adding an extra hump to the from of the camel,
... without much consistency

When moving to the Moin system featuring sub-pages, we could set up
sections like
EnDocs and FrDocs contain the respective doc trees EnDocs/Pages and

or we could have just one documentation tree, with localised sub-pages,
like Mypage/fr and Mypage/de. In that case, the default page would be in
English and there would be a  varying number of language sub pages.

With the first option you could easily navigate through the whole French
tree, but there may be lots of missing pages in any one language. With
option 2, translation would probably be easier, because you simply add a
["/fr"] tag to the bottom of the page to start a translated version.
This would also be more similar to the SVN structure (right?)

Navigation might not be too bad with option 2 either if we make the
navigation pages translatable too, so WelcomePage would have a
WelcomePage/fr sub-page that would lead off to all the French pages (in
one or more steps). Having lots of empty links in such navigation pages
would actually encourage translation.

- Henrik

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