A tale of two wikis

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Wed May 11 13:49:34 UTC 2005

> So onto the ideas: I have an idea for using two separate instances of
> the Moin wiki to achieve the workflow we are after. One would be an open
> 'Drafting Wiki' (no pun intended) and one a 'Publishing Wiki', possibly
> with separate sections for Breezy, Perky, etc. The Drafting Wiki would
> function much as today's main wiki in that anyone can log on and edit
> pages or start new pages. The Publication Wiki by contrast would be more
> tightly bolted down, with a few editors making decisions on what
> material from the open wiki was ready for inclusion. The editors would
> generally be chosen from the doc team, perhaps through a nod from the
> Community Council.

I kind of like the idea of two wikis as I am acutely conscious of the 
difficulty of how to best involve the greatest number of people in the work 
and at the same time retain quality control. However I think that i will 
leave comments on this point to the people who have more experience than me 
of how wiki->documentation has worked in the past and who have been thinking 
about the possibilities of a web portal recently. I think you have already 
correctly identified the possible weaknesses that need to be addressed in 
such a system, and maybe we can find some good solutions. 

> Btw: thanks to Matthew East for the introduction in the recent 'Wiki
> Transition' post. I would indeed like to speak with some of you on the
> phone about this, and ideally organise a mini-workshop to get us
> started. I can organise something very informal here in Oxford at some
> point in the next few weeks (a Saturday perhaps?). How many of you are
> UK based and might be able to attend?

AFAIK its just me in the UK. This doesn't preclude another type of get 
together, via irc or whatever. 


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