
Andrew Zajac arzajac at gmail.com
Tue May 10 16:06:00 UTC 2005

Hello.  I am a regular contributer to the ubuntuforums.  I am becoming
a big fan of the doc team and would like to encourage you in your
efforts to consolidate ubuntu documentation.

Recently, there has been some discussion as to the integration of the
immense ubuntuforums community with the rest of ubuntu.


I think that the forums are a great ressource to tap into.  Again, a
web portal would be an asset.  Not only would having a web portal up
and running make life easier for users of the forums, but once new
problems are solved, the information can be brought to the doc team
portal for integration with the rest of the documentation.

In the next few days, our membership will number over 20 000 users.

Perhaps there are some users on the forums who sould be able to help
with the setting up of such a portal?  The forums themselves are
privately hosted.  If the options that Canonical seem to be giving to
the doc team are not feasable (no php), would another aproach be

If you are interested in such an idea, perhaps you can start a thread
in the server-talk forum, describing in detail your needs?

Andrew Zajac (azz)

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