Getting our Web Portal up and running

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Mon May 9 07:18:24 UTC 2005

Hey Mark, Matt and the Doc Team,

Sean Wheller (froud) and I have spent a lot of time dicussing how to
involve more people in the Doc process. Sometimes that process hasn't
been pretty, but we did come to an agreement regarding where we need
to move forward.

Following that, we had discussions with other members of the doc team
and Mark himself.

Therefor, we need to move this forward, so we spend less time talking
and more time writing. Now is the perfect time to implement it, as we
can work the bugs out for Breezy.

The solution we came up is Apache Lenya, a Java-based content
creation/management system. Froud has tested it, and he thinks it will
solve our issues. It also has some sort of WYSIWYG editor and just
released a new version.

What I am asking for a formal security review of Lenya, for possible
installation on Canonical servers, to be tied into the Docteam repos.
I realise that being Java, there are additional hurdles, but I am
asking that at least a developer say yes or no to this.

Thanks for your time,

Corey Burger

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