the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

Simon Michael simon at
Thu May 5 17:58:22 UTC 2005

Nice, Matthew.

If it were me, I think I'd remove either the heading or the additional 
link that goes with each icon. Why write it twice.

It's a wiki, you say, why don't I show what I mean ? I might, though I'm 
no moin markup expert. I held off because I'm reluctant to do a lot of 
changes, especially aesthetic stuff, while there's another wiki change 
rumoured. Also because this is a page most people won't see - if you had 
installed this on FrontPage already, I'd be more motivated! Just my two 
cents on wiki psychology.

Also: I usually want a clean front page, but I also want a page that 
exposes the important content and doesn't make people click too much. It 
seems hard to serve all audiences. So my front pages tend to oscillate 
between simple and content-ful. And there's nothing especially wrong 
with that imho, a bit of evolution and freshness doesn't hurt.

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