WikiText (Re: the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on)

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Tue May 3 04:22:53 UTC 2005

On Tue, May 03, 2005, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> Sorry for commenting just a small detail for now, but is there a
> reason to write the section names (or how should they be called)
> without spaces between the words. Names like TheUbuntuCommunity,
> LowEndSystemSupport, etc. differ (unnecessarily?) from the way people
> normally write. Why not make people feel home every way we can :-)

The reason is that the wiki software will automatically turn
SmushedTogetherWords into a link to a SmushedTogetherWords page (or at
least this wiki software does, some doesn't). It's possible to link to
SmushedTogetherWords using the text "Smushed Together Words" or to
create a "Smushed Together Words" page, but it's not something the
software makes as easy as SmushedTogetherWords.

I'm not sure what inspired the original SmushedTogetherWords design
decision (which pre-dates our install by years), but I suspect it was
intended that all wiki readers would also be wiki authors, which isn't
the case here.


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