the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

kevin at kevin at
Tue May 3 00:38:08 UTC 2005

As probably one of the most novice users on this list, I'd say: nice!
Simple is better for your average user, and that is a lot less clutter
than the current one. I like it.


> attracted by the idea of a really simple minimalist frontpage, I've
> edited the below page a bit to see if it might be able to provide a good
> access point for the wiki. obviously, some work would need to be done to
> make the second-level pages a bit more user friendly, but in my opinion
> this sort of minimal thing is a good start towards the problems we've
> been discussing on the list about entry access. Views?
> In editing the page I've converted it to moin (which seemed a decent
> idea if we're going to move to a moin wiki) and also incorporated many
> of the helpful comments from a range of people on the page and on list.
> xx
> --
> Matthew East
> matthew.east at
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF 2005-04-06
> --
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