Harnassing the Gnome User Guide for our document

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 06:00:25 UTC 2005

Sean Wheller wrote:

>>Another note about the Gnome User guide and gnome docs in general is
>>that they are in terrible shape and basically have no maintainer
>>currently. If we can "adopt" them, as a team, that would probably make
>>Gnome extremely happy.
> Most of this work is an upstream project. I see no point in forking the GNOME 
> docs and doing the work down here.

If we were in baz, we could have access to upstream docs, thus
increasing our field of potential contributions to Ubuntu and upstream
(GNOME would be happy as well). Although this is very much a long-term
goal and tackling them still needs to be fleshed out, but a very good
subject to discuss for the next release.

Jerome Gotangco

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