
Corey Burger corey.burger at
Sun Jun 26 01:54:34 UTC 2005

On 6/25/05, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at> wrote:
> Corey Burger wrote:
> >I dispute that, and also state the main reason it was not considered
> >was due to it being PHP.
> >
> I wouldn't say that's true. I was quite involved in making the decision
> to move and highly involved in planning the move. The issue of PHP was
> never really raised. We consider the MoinMoin wiki itself to be an
> outstanding system with many great features.
> Obviously Python  is a favored language in our organisation, but that is
> not just about security issues. It is a language that many of the Ubuntu
> devels know very well and they can therefore write extensions easily, do
> code review and make it inter-operate with our existing infrastructure.
> This is how the authentication system for existing users was developed.
> I'm sure there are issues that can be improved with the usability of
> Moin, but simply saying that everything is better in MediaWiki is not
> helpful and not correct. If you really want to see something
> implemented, I suggest to submit a 'Feature Request' to the Moin site
> (many of the things you mention are not really bugs.)
> Try to provide as much
> detail as possible.
> Btw: the two other wikis I admin are MediaWikis, which I've chosen at
> the time because I like the system. I have had issues with it though,
> both security related and database corruption. Having used Moin for some
> time now, I'd say it's just as powerful (but we'll disagree on that I
> suppose).

MoinMoin may be wonderful under the covers, and Mediawiki may be crap,
but what really matters to me is the user interface and features.

>From a feature point of view, Mediawiki does beat the pants off of
MoinMoin. Especially those features that are used in making
presentation ready documents.

MoinMoin is designed to be a techical users wiki and Mediaiwiki is
not. That difference of focus shows throughout the interface.

I am not trying to be harsh about Moin, I am merely trying to provide
the best experience for the Documentation team and other users.


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