possible documentation viewer?

Claude Paroz paroz at email.ch
Sat Jun 4 09:20:37 UTC 2005

Le samedi 04 juin 2005 à 07:46 +1000, Jeff Waugh a écrit :
> <quote who="Jeff Schering">
> > 1. Search is a showstopper.
> Agree.
> > 2. Although it isn't on the above list, Printing is a showstopper.
> Highly desireable, not showstopper.
> > From a documentation point of view, there are two options:
> > 1. fix yelp so that it has the standard features that users expect
> > 2. create our own help system
> > 
> > Option 1 doesn't seem to be working out for us.
> Very little work has been done on option 1. I'll be using some of my desktop
> budget to deal with a number of Yelp issues, and will be paying attention to
> freedesktop.org movements in this area. Mucking around creating a separate
> Ubuntu help system is an abject, unproductive waste of time, which will not
> pay off in the future (unless it's very clearly done with the goal of being
> adopted elsewhere, and solving everyone else's problems too).

We're not talking about creation of a new separate help system, if I
understand the matter. We're only taking advantage of Docbook capability
and using it for a transitionnal solution, waiting for XML-based tools
(e.g. yelp) to provide at least the same level of functionnality than
static HTML.

We're all pleased to hear that you're ready to invest in this area and
are looking forward for it (hopefully Breezy+1 ?).

The important thing is Docbook source storage that permits with a
minimal effort to change the presentation layer. 

> Certain members of the documentation team appear to be concentrating on
> tools and infrastructure more than the documentation itself - this is not
> productive.

I'm not really member of the docteam, concentrating essentially on
translation, but on what I've seen until now about docteam work, this
accusation is not fair :(

Hope we'll soon find agreement on this matter so as to be able to
concentrating on documentation content !



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