preparing for the wiki move

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Thu Jun 2 15:34:32 UTC 2005

Matthew east wrote:

>So what do we think about this? Is there any chance that the automatic
>transfer can turn the links that zwiki creates due to the parenting
>system into hard links inside the documents? This would really help
>because in terms of organising the material (I'm thinking of
>UserDocumentation here), it would be much easier to use the parenting
>system than to make all the links by hand. Jane did mention in one of
>her emails that this might be possible.
Right, I've looked at this now in some more detail and have devised an
approach for extracting sub-page information that should work. I've
emailed Steve who wrote the script with the ideas. Once we have the
sub-page information for a given page, we can inject that at the bottom
of the page a a bullet list, as is done currently, or we could spawn a
/talk sub-page for this information. I would prefer the latter because
it reduces the cruft on most pages (where it isn't needed). And if you
really need it to have that list on the actual page, it will take a few
clicks and a few seconds to cut and paste the whole list to the page.
The plan is to add a 'Talk' button to the main interface for easy access
to it. That should encourage people to add comments to the Talk page
instead of at the bottom of the actual page.

>Would it be difficult to create categories for all of the pages? If not,
>then perhaps this is a good idea. However I think it may be difficult to
>get users into the habit of giving new pages categories as they create
>them so maybe it would bump up the editing overhead a fair amount?
Do you mean all the existing pages? It would be nice to do that
automatically, but I'm not sure it's worth it. The logic might take
longer to implement than simply assigning  categories to the 1500 pages
by hand afterwards. Some pages are easy to classify, while some require
some human thought, and many will want to belong to several categories
(French Hardware pages, say).

As for adding a category to a page once it's created (or at the time of
creation): that's very easy. There is a category drop-down box just
above the save button. Simply select a category and save. Even if
someone starts a page without assigning a category, it's easy for
someone else to assign one later.

>looks very cool. One thing: are there not going to be tabs at the top of
>the screen as with the current website (Ubuntu, Community, Support,
>Wiki, Planet).
Yes, that still needs doing.

>No there is no reason for keeping the RST docs that I am aware of, just
>that we have not got round to "Moinizing" them. We can do it I guess.
>Mikko is good at it and I'll have a go after my exams are done.
Thanks that would be great. Even our resident non-wiki person Sean has
chimed in to say that sticking to one format would be good ;-)

- Henrik

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