
Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Thu Jun 2 14:33:13 UTC 2005

On Thursday 02 June 2005 15:25, Matt Galvin wrote:
> Since I co-authored the PowerPC Edition of the Ubuntu Guide, I just
> thought I would chim in and say that the license change is fine with
> me also. If you have any plans or concerns about this ppc version of
> the guide please feel free to contact me.

Thanks Matt,

What I would like to do is to bring the code for the PPC version in to the 
same XML-instance and profile the document. Essentially I would like to 
manage all architectures in one document and output an arch tech type 
document during transformation, using the docbook profiling mechanism.

Would you like to play part in this. It would be good to have authors and 
co-authors of these FAQ Guides collaborating in one place . It reduces 
everyone overhead and the fragmentation/duplication that is currently doing 
the rounds. :-)

Thanks again for comming forward in such a positive way instead of waiting for 
us to approach. We really appreciate contribution.

May I suggest that in order for you to have access to the document once it is 
ported to svn and integrated with faqguide.xml, you should send your public 
pgp key to elmo.


Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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