Dropping CamelCase

Matthew Thomas mpt at myrealbox.com
Mon Jul 4 12:40:29 UTC 2005

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Corey Burger">
>>2. CamelCase makes accidental linking too easy. ThisWould be linked,
>>even if I didn't want it to be.
> It also makes the practice of linking explicit.

I'm not sure what you mean there. [[PostScript]] is much more explicit
than PostScript is.

>>With the drop of CamelCase, we would also have to make an explicit link
>>marker. I think that [[link]] is best, due to standardization with that
>>other wiki engine.
> That's one of the de-wiki-fying changes made in MediaWiki to fit in better
> with its primary role (wikipedia). It's not good for most wikis, where the
> explicit, 'interesting' linking rules provide context for content creators
> and readers. WikiText is the binding force. :-)

CamelCase may be part of the charm of traditional wikis, but it is
inappropriate if we want to be able to reuse wiki-written docs in
packaged help for offline use.

Matthew Thomas

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