Kubuntu Documentation

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Sat Jul 2 08:19:38 UTC 2005


As you know by now, preview versions of Kubuntu Documents are available at 

Thanks to much help from uniq and Riddell we now have a deb package there 
also. I will be updating the package periodically as I do the preview builds. 
Current build is 0.1-0 

For those who want to build the package locally you can do so with the 
prepdeb.sh that is now located in kde/

For creating the proper directories you will be prompted to input the folder 
version number. Note that this has nothing to do with the version number 
obtained from the debian/Changlog. The number you pass to the script is only 
used to create directories. You can also pass the folder version number to 
the script ./prepdeb.sh 0.1

The script creates the appropriate folders, copies stuff and exports those 
documents that need to be packaged. Then creates a deb file in 

dpkg -i will install it for you.

The package is quite large at present. It contains images from docs that are 
not shipped. I will be working on optimizing this so that only images used by 
shipped documents will be packaged. Fortunately we reuse images from a common 
folder so we don't need duplicates of the files for each doc :-)

Testing and ideas welcome.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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