#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-23 to 2004-01-28

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sat Jan 29 00:22:52 UTC 2005

#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-23 to 2004-01-28

* Possible addition to the wiki

Macbeth crossed #ubuntu-doc while trying to solve a problem on his/her
Inspiron 8000: Device Manager says that the PC lan card is an unknown

Here are the card drivers:
  http://d-link.com/products/support.asp?pid=132&sec=0#drivers (but they are for windows)

Here is something that could help:

I report it here.

So far I don't remember of people saying "I'll take care of handling
these proto-bug-reports or proto-howtos", but that'd be cool: you notice
these things, have a look and then decide if it should be a bug report
or an HOWTO to be written in the wiki.  Bonus if one also picks these
things up from ubuntu-users.

* Docteam stuff is cool!

Enrico asked how come noone's working at the quick guide, and Sivan said
he's still scared by the wiki reorganizations and the new professional
things added by Sean.

Enrico then tried to have Sivan read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamBuildingDocumentation
and Sivan realized it's short, clear and to the point.

Enrico then asked Sivan to let him know if there were still scary pages

 <sivang> I'll mail you about those that still scare me, on the quick
 <sivang> enrico: amazing
 <sivang> enrico: you did a hell of a job, all the former scary pages are gone now.

Sean really did most of the job there.  And we now have some really cool
wiki pages!  Have a look!



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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