[long] Canonical are you serious?

Nick Loeve ubuntu at trickie.org
Mon Jan 24 07:48:30 UTC 2005

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>>Great. So can we have decision on the following by today:
>>1. SVN or Bazaar?
>>2. When can either of the above be implimented?
>#1 is up to you guys: whatever will enable you to work most effectively.
>I will chase down #2 once #1 is decided.
I have never used bazaar, but i don't mind either way. I am sure i can 
work it out if we use bazaar. It is being actively developed by 
ubuntu'ers isn't it? Would it reduce the impact of versions/features in 
the future for the doc team's RCS if we use it?

;) trickie (Nick Loeve)

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