Release Notes Where?

Nick Loeve ubuntu at
Thu Jan 20 00:35:38 UTC 2005

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:08:15AM +1100, Nick Loeve wrote:
>>Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>>>They should be included in a package (possibly a new one), and also
>>>published on the website.  In the desktop, they could be viewed with yelp,
>>>or a browser, whatever makes sense to you folks.
>>Ok, thanks Matt and Enrico.
>>I was talking to Sean about the relative length/content of the release 
>>notes...  I was thinking about how to lay them out, and came up with an 
>>idea to have each goal, a short description of what impact/goodies the 
>>goal provides and then have a link to the contributors (all contributors 
>>will be listed in a seperate section). Is that overkill?
>That's pretty much exactly what I have in mind.  The HoaryGoals page has a
>list of new features; some of those are behind-the-scenes work, but most of
>the rest deserve a bullet point in the release notes, with a few notes about
>how it makes the user's life better.
>I know that the descriptions are sparse, because within the development team
>we have a common frame of reference, but I'd be glad to clarify them for you
>wherever necessary.
>A partial outline might look something like this:
>- Overview / Highlights
>- New desktop features
>  - GNOME 2.10
>  -
>  - PackageManagement tools
>  - dpkg-synaptic integration
>  - LaunchpadIntegration
>  - USplash
>  - JavaIntegration
>- Performance improvements
>  - ReadAhead
>  - FasterBootProcess
>  - grepmap
>  - Start GDM earlier
>- New hardware support
>  - LaptopSuspend
>  - CPUFreqModuleLoading
>  -
>  - HardwareDatabase
>- New installation features
>  - KickstartCompatibility
>  - UnifiedHardwareDetection
>  - KeyboardLayoutSelector
>  - Installation from USB
>  - DVD install images
>  - Ask all questions in first stage install
>  - Rescue mode
>- New live CD
>- Internationalisation / Localisation
>  - LanguagePacks
>  - UTFEightByDefault
>- Behind-the-scenes improvements (developer-oriented, technical)
>  - APTAuthentication
>  - bzip2-compressed debs
>  - bzip2-compressed package indexes
>  - inotify
>  - 32-bit compatibility for amd64
>Feel free to contact the Responsible/Contact developer, or me, for any item
>where you need more information.
Excellent! Thanks alot Matt. Exactly what i thought to do!
I might fix up the draft to reflect the outline above, then post to 
ubuntu-devel when i need some clarification.

;) trickie (Nick Loeve)

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