Further wiki gardening (And no more excuses for not contributing to the QuickGuide! :)

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Jan 16 08:30:20 UTC 2005


Here's some (IMHO very cool) wiki gardening for today:

 - Renamed DocteamTools in DocteamWork and restructured the page: it now

    - our toolchain, including an overview of the contents of the
      svn repository
    - how to mark your involvement in a piece of documentation
    - some simple step-by-step guides on doing things, so that it will
      never happen anymore that people don't know how to do things
   If you lost track with the list discussions, that's the main summary
   of the everything, and if something is missing, please ask for it in
   the list.
 - I wrote an example section for the QuickGuide, covering the gnome
   Calculator: please have a look and give it some fix: I'd like to make
   that an example chapter for contributors to look at.  (Sean: could
   you please make that perfect DocBook?  I'm not much of a DocBook
 - I noted down all I did to make that QuickGuide section and created
   https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamStepByStepQuickGuide so that
   everyone else can do what I did.  (Sean, Plovs: I'd like you to have
   a look, at least to fix/complete the DocBook examples)



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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