Packaging the FAQ Guide (was #ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-06)

John Levin john at
Mon Jan 10 16:09:40 UTC 2005

On 9 Jan 2005, at 07:12, Sean Wheller wrote:
> Yes, if they have GNOME installed. My concern in for future 
> compatability. As
> we know, Ubuntu will eventually include KDE as a desktop. At which 
> point,
> should a use install KDE and not GNOME, then none of the XML documents 
> will
> be available. In which case it is good to install HTML.
> So, while it is not urgent to package static HTML versions for now, we 
> must
> keep inmind possible future options.

On the subject of desktops and compatibility, please don't forget the 
smaller desktops like IceWM, XFCE etc. There's been a number of threads 
on the user list about ubuntu on lower spec machines, where Gnome is 
just too heavy. Whether there is an 'official' ubuntu-lite or not, it 
seems a safe bet that there will be significant numbers of 
non-gnome/kde users.

HTML is the simplest answer for covering all desktops.

linux for humans

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