[RFC] Documentation Web site L1

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Sun Jan 9 17:53:27 UTC 2005

This request for comment is the start of a proposal to define a flexible and 
easy to navigate infrastructure for the Documentation Team Web site.

I have not documented this proposal further than Level 1 of the Web site. The 
reason is that I would like to solicite feedback and provide team members 
with an opportunity to present their ideas for the first page before defining 
anything more. There would be no point doing a full spec as any subsequent 
levels would be directly impacted by the choices people make for level 1. 
Comments received shall be discussed and incorporated into a formal proposal. 
From this proposal we can generate subsequent proposals for L2, L3, ect..

This method may be long winded, but I felt it was the only fair way to 

The core of my proposal is centered on the first page of the Documentation 
Team [https://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/teams/documentation] and on 
addressing the information requirements of its users (audience).

What is the Documentation Team Web Site?
The Documentation Team Web site is the home of the "Ubuntu Documentation 

Who is the Audience?
* People interested in contributing to the "Ubuntu Documentation Project."
* People already contributing to the project.
* People from other Ubuntu communities or teams who need information.

What Information Requirements does the Audience have?
Information pertaining to the following:
* definition of the project.
* project license strategy
* ways to contribute
* how things work
* current projects
* who is doing what
* what tools to use
* how to comunicate
* how to collaborate
* how to do various tasks
* what special help is needed

To provide a broad framework for these requirements I propose the 
Documentation Team home Web page look something like this:


Documentation Team
The documentation team is the engine of the Ubuntu Documentation Project 
(UDP), an Open Source volunteer project that aims to develop and maintain 
literary content surrounding the Ubuntu distribution and community.

Authored works are released using a dual license strategy. This means there 
are many ways to contribute to the project - documenting, editing, proof 
reading, technical checks and reporting or fixing typos, grammar or spelling 
errors. Even suggestions or ideas are welcomed here. 

Getting Involved
Great! You want to help. Here is a list of links to resources that will 
provide information on how to get started and become a productive member of 
the team.

If you are in a hurry, we suggest reading "For the Hasty." This page is the 
project nuts and bolts in a nut shell. We highly recommend it to people with 
experience in Open Source documentation projects.

For the not so hasty we recommend the scenic tour. The scenic tour is a list 
of links to pages arranged in an order that will guide you through various 
steps and provide you with information such as - where to find things, what 
you need, what needs doing, what's being done, what has been done, and how to 
do them. Each of these topics is linked to the next in sequential order.

* Induction - Work processes and license. A high-level overview of the Ubuntu 
Documentation Project.

* Projects - Project specifications. A list of current projects link to the 
document specifications.

* Tools - Programs and technologies. A descriptive list of the tools and 
technologies used in the project with links to relevant information.

* Services - Collaborative community infrastructures. Information about the 
nature and purpose of the various networks services that facilitate our 

* Status - Status reports. Details of what needs doing, who is doing it and 
who is not.

* How to - HOWTO Documents. Various explanations on how to do various tasks 
such as taking screen captures and marking up text.

Special Help Wanted Here
Following is a list of areas and items on which we need special skills not 
current within our skill pool and would be happy to obtain extra help:

* List them here


Comments appreciated.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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