Bringing newly-installed users into the community (Re: Should XChat default to freenode and #ubuntu?)

Senectus . senectus at
Wed Feb 9 23:09:57 UTC 2005

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 15:01:00 -0800, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 11:21:28PM +0100, Kristof Vansant wrote:
> > what about putting a launcher in Desktop that when clicked fires up
> > xchat and joins #ubuntu-newbie. I would call the launcher Get online
> > help or something like that.
> I wouldn't want to send the user to a discussion/support channel with an
> implicit guarantee of support, so perhaps "Chat with other Ubuntu users"
> instead.
> I am interested in finding ways to connect new users with the Ubuntu
> community (forums, chat, wiki, etc.), but we need to carefully consider the
> effects before we implement them.
> I think that the "About Ubuntu" page (and the revised version developed by
> the documentation team[0]) should be our primary gateway.  The format gives us
> a chance to explain to the user where they are, and what to expect from the
> various resources.

The other problem I see is that with channels as prolific and active
as Ubuntu is turning out to be (remember its popularity hasn't slowed
it's accelerated growth yet *scary*), That IRC channel is becoming
_very_ busy.

That alone makes it quite daunting for new users.
 I know that I have to change a mental gear when I prepare to enter
that room.. you have to really pay attention and read a hell of a lot
of text that tends to zip past rather quickly at times to see if an
answer to my question has been posted..

Ubuntu Warty 4.10

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