Volunteer for Breezy Install Guide

Matt Kirchhoff mek at somnonym.org
Wed Aug 31 02:02:32 UTC 2005

Quoting Brian Burger <blurdesign at gmail.com>:

| On 8/29/05, Matt Kirchhoff <mek at somnonym.org> wrote:
| > I've completed the first revision of my quick install guide. You can
| > find it at this address:
| > 
| > http://linux.somnonym.org/breezy-install.html
| > 
| > This is a *very* simple HTML document, as I didn't have time to grok
| > DocBook. Any pointers would be appreciated. Also, I haven't perused the
| > Style Guide yet (just today saw Matthew East's link to it). My apologies
| > for any errors and/or inconsistencies.
| I've been doing some of the HTML/CSS coding for Corey's Quick Guide,
| so when I saw the Breezy Install guide I figured I'd have a go at
| cleaning it up too...
| Attached is "breezy-install-suggestion.html", with the following
| changes from the original:

Brian's changes are available at


If this guide would be useful as part of the Breezy release, please let me know
what I can do to better format/prepare/package/distribute it.

Matt Kirchhoff

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