About Ubuntu page and other docs in Breezy

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Tue Aug 30 21:25:47 UTC 2005

Jane Silber writes: 

> Hi - 
> I have a couple suggestions about the About Ubuntu page. 
> - This page (and other doc) should refer to Ubuntu, not Ubuntu Linux. 
> - And remember that in addition to being in yelp as the "About Ubuntu"
> page, remember that this also becomes the default home page (in a file),
> so there needs to be a version that looks nice in a browser (i.e.,
> probably be themed with our standard tan header with icon). 

In theory this should be happening but in practise it isn't yet. The firefox 
homepage is shipped in the ubuntu-artwork package as far as I can see, and I 
don't think this is updated as our documentation changes. This will need to 
get changed I think. Also, we are shipping our documentation in html so 
using the Ubuntu css shouldn't be that difficult, but it has to get done. 

> Finally, remember that Preview Freeze is *Thursday 1 Sept*.  As much
> Breezy doc as possible should be in for that. There will be a chance to
> update it prior to actual release, but the preview will get a lot of
> attention and very wide distribution, so ideally it should be able to
> showcase your hard work (and it is an opportunity to get many, many
> thousands of eyes helping to spot issues and test the doc).  There is
> work to do to get the docs from your svn repository and packaged up in
> Ubuntu. I believe that Jeff Bailey has been asked to do that for the
> docs, but we need that to be a two-way conversation. 

Just as a point of information, I believe Matt Galvin and Enrico Zini did 
some work on the building and packaging recently so it should only need 
tweaking. Perhaps they can tell you more. 

> At a minimum, it would be helpful for someone on the doc team to
> identify the specific docs that need to be packaged in Breezy.

If possible, the ones listed on http://doc.ubuntu.com 


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