Volunteer for Breezy Install Guide

Matt Kirchhoff mek at somnonym.org
Tue Aug 30 03:34:42 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 10:54 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> On 8/27/05, Matt Kirchhoff <mek at somnonym.org> wrote:
> > Sounds good. I had intended to create a simple setup guide (with screen grabs)
> > for my friends and co-workers, so I will proceed with that and link to it 
> Awesome. Documentation freeze is on September 8, so if the document
> would be available by then and if there is time to proofread, review
> and approve, it might be able to get into the CD as well as a PDF. We
> work in Docbook by the way, but feel free to work in any format 
> Jerome G.

I've completed the first revision of my quick install guide. You can
find it at this address:


This is a *very* simple HTML document, as I didn't have time to grok
DocBook. Any pointers would be appreciated. Also, I haven't perused the
Style Guide yet (just today saw Matthew East's link to it). My apologies
for any errors and/or inconsistencies. 

Hope you find this useful! Feel free to incorporate the text or images
into any other document that might benefit. I look forward to
contributing wherever help is needed!

Matt Kirchhoff

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