FW: Question on Kubuntu for Kubuntu Documenation

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at iserv.net
Sun Aug 28 21:52:49 UTC 2005

I have heard some rumors regarding installation in Breezy for Kubuntu so
after a suggestion in the doc team mtg I aksed the big man himself (Riddell)
and this was his response.

If you were working on Kubuntu documentation and one of your sections
covered installing applications please install adept and modify the

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Riddell [mailto:jr at jriddell.org]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 8:11 PM
To: jjesse at iserv.net
Subject: Re: Question on Kubuntu for Kubuntu Documenation

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 01:53:35PM -0400, jjesse at iserv.net wrote:
> First of all I apologize if this is the wrong place to contact you at:

Strictly speaking it should be jriddell at ubuntu.com but they both go to
the same place.

> I am working on the ubnutu-doc team w/ a focus on Kubuntu and am wondering
> what the package management software will be in the breezy distro of

Thanks :)

> I have heard that this might be adept, or kapture or might stay with

With any luck it will be adept, I need to evaluate it's progress this
weekend and make a decision.  Please poke me again on the issue if I
don't get back to you.


38 (1F2) Temple Park Crescent |  jr at jriddell.org
Edinburgh                     |  http://www.jriddell.org
EH11 1HU, Scotland            |  07941 938912
     Kubuntu  http://www.kubuntu.org  Pure KGX

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