Yelp and XML/HTML

Sean Wheller sean at
Mon Aug 8 13:06:46 UTC 2005

On Monday 08 August 2005 14:06, Matthew Thomas wrote:
> How can I alter the formatting for a DocBook document? 

You don't add formatting to XML. 

> For example, I'd 
> like to give sets of instructions a pale background color so they stand
> out. 

In case of X/HTML use CSS.

> I'd also like tables of contents to be bulleted lists instead of 
> numbered lists.

Overide the Docbook XSL stylesheet templates that handle TOC with your own 

> And I'd like to hide the Previous and Next links at the 
> bottom of each page -- again, they make sense for a highly structured
> manual, but not for help pages.

Override the chunk templates and custom to your requirements.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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