Yelp and XML/HTML

Sean Wheller sean at
Sat Aug 6 06:35:02 UTC 2005

On Saturday 06 August 2005 05:14, Robert Stoffers wrote:
> In regards to my last email, I know a lot of effort has been put into
> making HTML documents, I did want to bring to everyones attention though
> that a lot of problems in Yelp have been fixed. As a result, documents
> such as the FAQ Guide now work in Yelp as XML files as well as HTML. Of
> cause we also get the benefits of the side navbar and better integration
> with yelp as a result of using XML over HTML.
> I was also talking about the version of Yelp included with Hoary, the
> Breezy one may be even better. What are peoples thoughts on shipping XML
> documents for Yelp and maybe also HTML for people to use in their web
> browsers? Maybe on the default page that opens up in Firefox on a fresh
> install of Ubuntu we could put a link to the HTML version also.

yelp and tools need to be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Until they work 
properly with RAW XML, HTML should be used.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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