Sec: Unclassified RE: How and why to start hacking Ubuntu Help

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Mon Aug 1 07:58:23 UTC 2005

On Monday 01 August 2005 09:16, Sean Wheller wrote:

> Before taking this action, please review and discuss the license
> declaration In particular,
> "Documents under a GFDL or CC-BY incompatible license will not be able to
> be combined with the core documents. Additionally, documents released under
> a single license (i.e., either GFDL or CC-BY-SA) are essentially forking
> from the duality regime of the documentation source-code base. Once
> released under a single license such works cannot be merged back under the
> dual license regime. As a result, such works will need to be excluded from
> any derivative works covered under the dual regime or the regime of the
> unused license. Unless expressly specified by the author, all document
> code-source contributions and their derivative works will be made available
> under the conditions of both licenses."
> This would imply that a change to license is more wide spread than any one
> document. That is if people wish to have compatability between documents.
> Since I cannot see any great benefit to be derived from a change, I am not
> sure that this is a very productive exercise. The project would be better
> served if the licenses were left as is and team just focused on writing.
Most of the time I just lurk on this list but afaik I have ported the original 
version of the faqguide to docbook. I am not asking to have my name in the 
author-list, I do not care whatever way but I do agree with Sean that 
changing licenses should not be taken lightly and it would be good to talk to 
Mako, he is an easy-going guy who might have some good things to say about 

greetings, AP (plovs)

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