
Ralph H. Stoos Jr. rstoos at rochester.rr.com
Thu Apr 28 20:53:46 UTC 2005


Would it be possible to have the prefix "ubuntu-doc" be put on the 
Subject line in mail notes to the list?  This would help me and I am 
sure most everyone else quickly identify where the mail is from and also 
organize it quickly.  I do get a bunch of mail (a lot of junk for the 
most part).

Just a thought.

Also, I looked at the outline for the documentation and saw one thing 
that might be helpful.  In all the books I write, I place a section 
called "Conventions Used In This Book" which shows examples of bolded, 
italicized text, and graphics such as notes; and describes what they 
indicate.  It may already be in their somewhere but, if not, I have been 
told it helps.

This section is usually contained under a heading of "Before You Start" 
which seems to get people to believe if they don't read it there will be 
adverse effects.

My .02USD for today.



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