Style Guide: How to refer to Ubuntu

Troy Williams troywill1 at
Mon Apr 25 04:44:51 UTC 2005

On Saturday 23 April 2005 11:23 pm, Jeff Schering wrote:
> Hello
> One of the things the style guide will specify is how we refer to
> Ubuntu in our documents and on our wiki. The current terms, taken from
> the StyleGuide wiki page, are below.
> 1. When referring to Ubuntu:
>     Ubuntu or Ubuntu Operating System
> 2. When referring to Linux plus userland applications:
>     GNU/Linux
> 3. If one wants to explicitly refer to the GNU/Linux nature of the
> current Ubuntus:
>     Ubuntu GNU/Linux
> 4. When referring to the Linux kernel:
>     Linux
> Is there any reason why we would change this? Any additions to the list?
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> --
> GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at>

It is all well and good that FSF, Debian, Canonical and development 
communities recognize the distinction between GNU, Linux, GNU/Linux, etc., 
but what does the audience care about any or all?

Maybe alot, depends on who the audience is...maybe they will ask "where to 
download this GNU/Linux when I am done with this Ubuntu/Linux".

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