Translation of Docteam Documents Through Rosetta

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at
Mon Apr 25 02:13:24 UTC 2005

> I personally am very excited about using Rosetta to translate our documents, 
> and also of the possibility of getting some more translated documentation 
> into Hoary as updates. 

An update on a way to automate the process of checking whether
translations in Rosetta are ready and downloading files has presented
itself. Some brilliant guy has written a script in python to do the job.
Basically when run without flags it gets all the available translations
and dumps them in the working directory. When passed with -s, it prints
a list of the available translations and their status. Brilliant!

I've adapted it slightly so that it fits the docteam stuff. However as
yet I haven't adapted it to fit our directory structure: what would need
to be done would be to put each downloaded po file in their own
directory as per the team structure.

In any case, for now we can use these scripts to check for updated
translations on the HOARY documentation in Rosetta, and hopefully when
Breezy appears in Rosetta we can figure out how to automate the process
so that the downloads go nicely into our trunk structure.


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