Style Guide: How to refer to Ubuntu

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Sun Apr 24 09:21:06 UTC 2005

On Sat, Apr 23, 2005, Jeff Schering wrote:
> 2. When referring to Linux plus userland applications:
>     GNU/Linux
> 3. If one wants to explicitly refer to the GNU/Linux nature of the
> current Ubuntus:
>     Ubuntu GNU/Linux

What's the basis for the choice of "GNU/Linux" over "Linux", especially
for #2?

Just to put this in perspective, I'm aware of the general arguments for
and against referring to "Linux+applications" as "GNU/Linux" and don't
really want to re-hash the debate here, especially since it was just
discussed on the sounder list.

What I'm particularly asking for is the reason that you've decided that
"GNU/Linux" is the preferred way. Is it that:

 - you personally agree with the FSF arguments in favour of GNU/Linux;
 - Debian prefers to "GNU/Linux";
 - the docteam by and large agrees with the FSF arguments;
 - Canonical prefers "GNU/Linux"; or
 - the Ubuntu development/user communities prefer "GNU/Linux"?

I'm asking because I don't see a huge amount of evidence for any reason
other than the first two points (if you have evidence, by all means
supply links, I don't pretend to follow the community that closely), and
given the recent controversy on sounder, I'd rather not let it pass
without comment now only to fuel a bundle of threads later.


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