Documentation for the handicapped
Sean Wheller
sean at
Fri Apr 22 07:32:25 UTC 2005
I have been doing more research into Braille and found many resources on the
Internet that have been most helpful in giving me some insight into the scale
of the problem and technical challenges posed.
While doing my research I encountered this gem, XML TO BRAILLE, from Computers
to Help People, Inc. (CHPI) []. It is free and open
source, a tarball is available from
Currently xml2brl only works on Linux, but press releases indicate that they
are working on a Windows port. Simple tests on my box have given great
results. I have yet to get the time to perform tests on complex documents.
What I like is that xml2brl is easy to use and optimized for technical
For your convenience I attached the README file for xml2brl. I hope
attachments can go to this list.
I hope I am on the right tack, I would really like to make my vision of being
able to supply GNU/Linux documentation is Braille.
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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This is Release 0.2 of the xml2brl program. Changes from the previous
release are listed in the file ChangeLog. This README file details any
changes in usage. The most notable is that the program now handles
some MathML.
If you are reading the plain-text README file, you may find it useful
to load README.html into your browser. This will enable you to go
directly to the sites where you can download the libraries upon which
this software depends. Once you have installed xml2brl, you can also
get a braille copy by running README.html through the program. It is
written in xhtml, which is an xml flavor.
The braille translation part of the xml2brl program is based on
BRLTTY. All the necessary BRLTTY files for use in the U.S. have been
included in the package. However, if you need different contraction
tables or different text tables, you must obtain them from BRLTTY. You
can download the latest version of BRLTTY from
Besides BRLTTY, this software depends on the following libraries:
glib [2]
libxml2 [3]
gdome2 [4]
You must download the latest versions of these libraries and install
them in the above sequence.
The program accepts input files in either xml or plain text and in
many natural languages (which may be in UTF-8 Unicode) and produces a
brf file suitable for printing directly on an embosser. The brf file
has the same format as the files on Web-Braille and should behave
exactly the same.
xml files must be well-formed. They are transcribed as specified by a
semantic-actions (.sem) file. If no such file exists for a given root
element, a prototype file is created. Its name is formed by adding
".sem" to the name of the root element, for example, "dtbook3.sem".
The user must then edit this file to obtain phoper transcription. The
program will print a warning message if the editing step is omitted.
Instructions on how to do this editing are given in the section
"SEMANTIC-ACTIONS FILES" in this document.
The program tests whether a file is xml. If not, it assumes a plain
text file. In this file, lines may be of any length. Paragraphs should
be separated by blank lines. Lines within paragraphs are concatenated
before translation, with blanks in place of newlines. If a blank line
is desired in the output, use three blank lines.
Whether the file is xml or plain text, paragraphs are indented two
spaces. There is a braille page number in the lower right-hand corner
of each page. If an xml file contains print page numbers, and this has
been specified in the semantic-actionss file, a page-separator line is
placed between print pages, and the print page number appears in the
upper right-hand corner, proceeded by the letters a, b, etc.
The command line is:
xml2brl inputfile outputfile
If you omit both inputfile and outputfile the program acts as a
filter, taking input from stdin and delivering output to stdout. This
enables xml2brl to be used in a chain of printer drivers, with output
directly to an embosser, if desired. If you wish to specify an output
file but take input from stdin, use a minus sign in place of
inputfile. Options are set in a configuration file discussed in the
The author wishes to acknowledge his debt to the BRLTTY team. to learn
more about BRLTTY go to its official website,
[5] The section "FILES" below tells which
files have been copied from BRLTTY.
Like BRLTTY, this software is under the Gnu Public License (GPL). The
non-BRLTTY portions are copyright by the author, John J. boyer,
director at . The libraries listed previously are all part of
the GNOME project and are under the Lesser Gnu Public License (LGPL).
Details are given in the file C COPYING
This is an alpha release. Therefore, it is best to install it in a
subdirectory of your home directory. To do this, download the
distribution tarball into your home directory, then type
tar xfz xml2brl-xxx.tar.gz
This will create the directory xml2brl-xxx, where xxx is a version
number. After installing any necessary libraries, go to the
xml2brl-xxx directory and type "make". This will create the xml2brl
program. If you wish to re-create the program, first type "make clean"
and then "make".
Before you try to run the program, execute the following statement at
the command prompt:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/local/lib'
You may wish to add this command to your .bashrc script.
These files tell xml2brl how to handle your documents. Whenever the
program encounters a new root element, it creates a prototype semantic
actions file. Each line in this file has two columns. The first column
is the word "no", signifying that no semantic action has been
specified. The second column may contain one of the following: an
element name; an element name, followed by a comma, followed by an
attribute name; an element name, followed by a comma, followed by an
attribute name, followed by a comma, followed by the first few
characters of an attribute value. The program prints a message saying
it is creating this file, then terminates. Semantic files have names
composed of the root element name and '.sem'.
To get xml2brl to transcribe your document correctly, you must edit
the semantic file, replacing the word "no" in the first column with an
appropriate semantic action, such as "para" for paragraph, "heading1"
for the main heading, etc. The file sem-enum.h contains a list of
valid semantic actions, most of which should be self-explanatory. If
you rerun the program without editing the semantic-actions file, it
prints a message saying that the output will be unformatted. You can
add comments to the file by using a number sign (#) as the first
non-blank character in a line.
If you transcribe a new document with the same root element, but with
additional element names, attribute names or values, these will be
added to the end of the semantics-action file, proceeded by the
comment "#appended entries". You may then edit the new entries. If you
wish the program to continue to take no action for an entry, leave it
unchanged. Do not comment it out. This will cause the program to add
it to the end of the file as a new entry.
Several semantic-actions files are provided with the program. There is
one for dtbook3 files, such as those produced by, for
xhtml files, with or without included MathML, for Microsoft Word files
exported as xml, and for docbook files.
As mentioned previously, options for xml2brl are set by a
configuration file. This file is called "xml2brl.cfg" and resembles
the semantics-actions files. Each line has two columns, a keyword,
such as CellsPerLine, and a value such as 40. Comments are proceeded
by "#". The keywords should be self-explanatory.
The following files have been copied without change from BRLTTY:
brldefs.h brl.h countries.cti ctb_compile.c ctb_definitions.h ctb.h
ctb_translate.c en-us-g2.ctb misc.h tbl.c tbl.h text.nabcc.tbl. Note
the following exceptions: The line "include countries.cti" in
us-en-g2.ctb has been changed to "include specsym.cti". The misc.c
file was cut down to only the functions needed by xml2brl and these
functions were considerably modified.
The following files were produced by the author:
brffilt.c: A small filter for viewing brf files on a braille display
with translation mode in BRLTTY turned off. It can also be used as a
prototype for writing other filters. To compile it, use the command
line "gcc -o brffilt -O2 -Wall brffilt.c"
ChangeLog: log of changes made from release to release
COPYING: Detailed license
dtbook3.sem: Semantic-actions file for books from
en-us-mathtext.ctb: Translation table for math documents
examine_document.c: Traverse2s the DOM tree to determine
characteristics of the document, such as whether it contains math.
Also does preprocessing.
html.sem: Semantics-action file for xhtml documents
Makefile: For compiling the whole program.
readconfig.c: Reads and processes the configuration file
readconfig.h: Header file for above
README: plain-text version of the folling
README.html: This file.
read_TextTable.c: Basically a wrapper for the functions in tbl.c
semantics.c: Contains functions for handling semantics-action files
and tables
semantics.h: Header file for semantics.c; includes sem_enum.h
sem_enum.h: list of valid semantic actions. ºNote that if you change
this file you must recompile the entire program.
sem_rout.c: Contains non-trivial semantic routines or rutines that may
vary with natural language
sem_rout.h: Header file for above
specsym.cti: Special symbols needed in translation of xml files
transcribe_chemistry.c: Handles chemical formulas in DOM tree
transcribe_document.c: This is the basic transcription routine which
traverses the DOM tree and calls transcribe_paragraph,
transcribe_math, etc., as needed.
transcribe_graphic.c: Handles SVG graphics in the DOM tree
transcribe_math.c: Handles MathML and other xml math notations
transcribe_music.c: transcribes music notation expressed in xml
transcribe_paragraph.c: Handles "paragraphs", including headings, in
the DOM tree
transcriber.c: Contains the low-level transcription routines,
including the routine for transcribing plain text.
transcriber.h: Header file for above
w_wordDocument.sem: semantics-action file for Microsoft Word documents
exported as xml
xml2brl.c: The main program.
xml2brl.cfg: Configuration file
xml2brl.h: Header file for main program
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