Question on KQuickguide
Jeff Schering
jeffschering at
Fri Apr 22 03:35:38 UTC 2005
On 4/21/05, Jerome Gotangco <jgotangco at> wrote:
> I also forgot to mention that Jeff is busy doing the style guide so
> everything will definitely change once this guide is finalized and
> approved by everyone involved.
Yes, working very hard...
This thread brings a kouple of things to mind, one of them being the
overuse of the letter 'K' when it komes to dokuments and other
references koncerning KDE. Personally, I find it korny and
distrakting. Using 'K' is not a problem; using it everywhere is. For
the style guide I will be proposing that only one 'K' be used in any
title referring to a KDE applikation or feature. That would mean that
the KDE version of the Quick Guide should be kalled "The Kubuntu Quick
Guide". I hope the kommunity agrees with this. There is also the
issue of internationalization: "kwick" doesn't translate well, I
Another issue that comes to mind is the use of humour in titles and in
the text of the document. Humour is a cultural thing, and it's
difficult to make a joke that does not offend somebody somewhere for
some reason. For example, in Canada and the USA, the KKK is a violent,
hate-based, racist, criminal organization. It is not something you
would want to mention in association with Ubuntu. The proposed "One K"
rule above will prevent inadvertent use of the letters KKK to describe
a Kubuntu app or feature.
GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at>
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