kubuntu ubuntuguide version

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 10:01:45 UTC 2005

> BTW, I'd like to take this opportunity for a suggestion. I barely know how
> docteam works (from what I skimmed on the wiki) so this has possibly been
> considered already and dismissed as being lame. 

Hi Abdullah,

It's nice to see your enthusiasm to help out with the Kubuntu
documentation. It's a nice time to dive in since everything is still
in a state of flux. At the moment, I am hacking around the Kubuntu
Kwick Guide and the About Kubuntu pages from svn. I am not that much
of a technical documentation expert myself but I am coping up with the
tech blabber/jargon. My current docbook tags are quite simple but will
be polished later after finishing the whole guide. Anyone can check it
out from svn trunk; its just a skeletal framework, but it does show
the essence of the quick guide/about kubuntu structure.

I will post on the wiki my version of the tree structure of the Kwick
Guide and see if you think it may need more revisions. Everyone is
welcome to do that as well. That way, we can start collaboration 
between content authors and technical authors. I'd like to see how
this little experiment would go. I will send the link later in this
email thread. I cannot guarantee any changes on some Kubuntu documents
for this weekend since I am preparing my stuff for the upcoming Ubuntu
Down Under meeting April 25-30.




You may have missed it on this list, but Matthew East sent an email to
the author of ubuntuguide (and CC'd this list) for some possible
corrections to the site.

Jerome S. Gotangco
GPG: A97B69A0 @ pgp.mit.edu
IRC: jsgotangco @ freenode #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ph

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