
Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Wed Apr 20 03:48:17 UTC 2005

On Wed, Apr 20, 2005, George Deka wrote:
> We need all the documentation in one place or at least replicated, we
> cant have some doc's on the wiki some in the plone doc section and
> some in yelp.  It has allways been an issue. 

Yeah, that's the Web Portal discussion. However, even if this is an
eventual aim, I don't think we should treat the wiki now as if that's
already in place and therefore start imposing all kinds of freezes on
the wiki. If nothing else, freezes and freeze policy are a barrier to
entry. If Canonical/Ubuntu wanted all docs to be subject to such a
barrier, they wouldn't have a publicly editable wiki. Publicly editable
wikis do that kind of thing with difficulty or not at all.

Therefore, I think that we should move ahead with structure changes to
the wiki and not worry at this stage about timing them around release
cycles. That said, I think the structure change is doable in that time,
since there is presently no need to timetable wiki changes around i18n


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