Development monitoring (Re: Recent changes to Ubuntu)

matthew.east at matthew.east at
Fri Apr 8 06:29:28 UTC 2005

>>> - Maybe a weekly round up of what is going on in the dev mailinglist,
>>>   posted to the docteam list?
>> It was pointed out to me out of band that Mako already does a Ubuntu
>> Traffic summary, so there shouldn't be any need for a second weekly
>> summary of the whole list. 
> No not at all.

Its not necessarily a good idea to rely on Ubuntu Traffic IMO, although mako 
does an almost impossible job very well, it comes out some time later (the 
latest one is 4th february atm), and not necessarily all the relevant topics 
for the docteam will be covered. However I agree with you that a formal 
weekly round up of what's going on in the dev ML is not necessarily: just: 

> A documentation oriented partial summary
>> might be a better use of your time (and you could feed off Ubuntu
>> Traffic too).

As far as the technical board meeting is concerned, 4am in Australia is 
bound to be a reasonable time here in London so I'll look it up and try and 
be there. Maybe we can agree on an ad hoc basis who is available to attend 
future ones. I will start making a point of going to the CC meetings at any 
rate. However these ARE summarised quickly and efficiently. Its just a 
question of making sure people are aware of any docteam implications of our 
decisions, and I think the Technical Board is the most important one from 
that point of view. 


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