Recent changes to Ubuntu

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Apr 7 12:03:29 UTC 2005

On Apr 7, 2005 7:41 PM, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:

> Yes, we did try get a formal process some time ago, but people were not in
> favor. Their point of view is that doing documentation would stop being fun.
> If people are interested and want to support such an initiative I will make
> the policy document. However, I would not like to go this effort and then
> nobody follows it.

I would support this initiative especially on the Docbook side because
the official manual is very very critical for the end product - we all
know that. The wiki is an entirely different animal though, but should
complement the Docbook manual.

Jerome S. Gotangco
GPG: A97B69A0 @
IRC: jsgotangco @ freenode #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ph

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