Recent changes to Ubuntu

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Thu Apr 7 04:17:48 UTC 2005

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005, Corey Burger wrote:
> I am wondering if we, as a team, want to make a statement regarding these 
> last minutes changes.

It seems like a sensible idea, since the wiki outage also wasn't
mentioned to us for a little while. It's quite possible that the
development team simply aren't factoring documentation needs into their
freeze decisions etc at the moment, or aren't doing so consistently.

Putting on my developer hat for a moment (I'm not an Ubuntu developer at
all, btw, so don't read this statement as "speaking for the devel
people"), moving to considering look-n-feel changes as "major" or
"needing documentation team approval" would be a shift for many

Is there currently any kind of role anyone here is doing wrt acting as
an "interface" between the devel team and the doc team. It seems like it
might be worthwhile to have a docteam member with some kind of role
letting them report to the devel team when a decision negatively affects
the doc team (and vice versa, if the doc team's actions are negatively
affecting the devel team).


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