make-pot and make-po

Sean Wheller sean at
Mon Apr 4 06:10:23 UTC 2005


I have added two scripts to svn

This makes POT files for EN documents.  The script can take a $ on the prompt. 
If no $ then the modules are taken from the script and placed in $module 
variable. If there are changes it updates the POT with msgmerge. If there are 
no changes it makes no changes.

Please can others review this script. At present it will only run over 
userguide/ module. This is intentional for testing only. 

I have also added make-po. This script does not work yet. I am having problems 
with it. Perhaps others can take a look. I have commented various attempts in 
the same file. When I do the commands at the prompt manually I am able to 
make the process work. But when I use it from the script it fails.


Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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