portuguese translations

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Mon Apr 4 05:41:44 UTC 2005

On Monday 04 April 2005 06:05, João Cruz wrote:
> I'm attaching the -pt.po translations for AboutUbuntu and ReleaseNotes.
> By the way, the ubuntu wiki seems to be messed up, I've lost all
> changes from the last few days... do you know what's going on?
> Regards,
> João

Hello there seems to be a problem with about-ubuntu-pt.po

The error is:
po2xml about-ubuntu.xml about-ubuntu-pt.po > about-ubuntu-pt.xml
exception: expecting '
', found 'F'

Please can you fix and resend.


Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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