DevApp Content Life-cycle [was: Re: Wiki ideas]

Sean Wheller sean at
Sat Apr 2 06:53:14 UTC 2005

On Saturday 02 April 2005 02:19, Nick Loeve wrote:
> Sean Wheller wrote:
> > On Friday 01 April 2005 11:11, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> >>Let's see what we can get done at UDU, but in parallel, let's see what
> >>you guys come up with.
> >
> > Hello Mark, Corey,
> <snip><snip>
>   - Surely security can be achieved with other technologies - i have had
>     a lot of experience with PHP and would be willing to help share my
>     experience with PHP and security issues

I think we are in the right here, but it is also hard to change perceptions. 
If James and team don't want then I kinda get the feeling that we could be 
fighting a losing battle unless we host externally.

>   - I do not think that a web based solution is the way to go for
>     everything. I know that for a large document (or even for something
>     as big as the quickguide) it is more manageable if editing is
>     offline)

Agreed. As I see it, a web-based front end is just one interface. Under the 
objective I never mentioned that the only editing interface would be 
Web-based. I do state that the Authoring repos is a working copy of svn. The 
way I see it is that we will merge changes from this working copy into our 
svn. Think of the web-app as just another user/author in the team. Just an 
author on steroids because it is actually the work on many more people.

The nature of the solution I suggested in that it enforces structure from the 
content to the organization of the information architecture. This makes it 
far more managable than what we have now.

> And after all that, to get back to another of Sean's point, those
> working on this project will not be creating documentation. Maybe what
> we need is a seperate subteam 'Ubuntu Documentation Technology Team' or
> something. That way energy is not being sapped from the documenation
> effort, but those that want to contribute to both seperate ideas
> (creating docs, creating a system for creating docs) are free to do so.
> At present the doc team is pretty small, so i do not know if there is
> enough man power to create another seperate team, but over time the
> 'Ubuntu Documentation Technology Team' could attract existing or new
> Ubutnu developers, and build closer ties with those that are in the know
> in regards to building software for Ubuntu, deploying software for
> Ubutnu and maintaining software Ubutnu.
 If I understand Mark correctly, he is saying let the doc team forge an idea 
and present it, then he will muster devels to support it. From our part we 
need to to the investigation. I suggest we create a specification document 
based on our resarch and use that to present. Once devels get involved we can 
assist in ways we can, if we wish.

I will start preparing a basic document for us to collaborate on. In the 
interim I think it would be productive if people search for solutions and 
post links to the list under this thread. We can then discuss each solution 
and narrow down the list to the top 3 candidates.

Any other ideas welcomed.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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