Creating consensus regarding page types in wiki

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sun Oct 31 14:22:15 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 05:13:44PM +0100, sparkes wrote:

> >I think we just need to disagree - if I was to continue this
> >discussion I would want to put up a wiki page so the issues can be
> >consolidated.
> there wouldn't be any repetition if you could just come up with that one 
> reason why the wiki should be different from the main site ;-)
> I see no reason to continue the discussion anyway as it is going no 
> where.  The wiki is intergrated into the site and we will do our best to 
> maintain it.

I'm jumping in a bit late, but I don't see you as being so fundamentally
in disagreement.  As I see it: you have two different concerns:  Ben
wants different things to appear different, and sparkes doesn't want
similar things to appear different.  I agree with both of you :)

How about keeping the same layout and just putting a logo in one corner
to distinguish the kind of documentation?  "Wiki", "Draft", "Reviewed"
or whatever distinction we think it's needed (possibly, no more than,
say, 3/4 different kind of pages, or it's a lot of confusion).



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