docbook and revision control was Re: Gnome users manual (was: Ubuntu book)

sparkes sparkes at
Thu Oct 28 18:18:00 UTC 2004

John Hornbeck wrote:

> Docbook is not standard xml.  It has it's own tags and the likes.  I am
> not sure how docutils does it, but I am going to be testing it in a few
> minutes.  I will let everyone know my results.  If it works I will do a
> wiki page for setting it up.

there are no standard XML tags.  The X stands for eXtensible.  You 
extend it by creating the rules for the tags your document requires.  I 
could go into details about all the silly things you have to do to 
create conformant and compliant docs, but it's all incrediblly off topic 
and only really interesting to geeks like me ;-)

it's possible to change the old sgml docbook to xml docbook and it's 
possible to use sgml2x to transform either one to almost anything but 
nobody has written a ReST style sheet and I know almost zero DSSSL.

I was tempted to start playing with XSLT to do it but it's a pain in the 
arse to translate to or from non-XML formats so I wimped it and decided 
to use docbook after all ;-)


<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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