docbook and revision control was Re: Gnome users manual (was: Ubuntu book)

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Thu Oct 28 17:24:31 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 17:37 +0100, sparkes wrote:
> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 03:14:34PM +0100, John Levin wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>On 28 Oct 2004, at 13:23, John Hornbeck wrote:
> >>
> >>>It is pretty big. It is also all docbook.  If someone wants the task of
> >>>changing it over to the wiki feel free.
> >>>
> >>
> >>The link above offers it in two html formats - single page and multiple 
> >>pages - and the wiki can handle HTML, right?
> > 
> > 
> > There is an HTML rendering there, but it is simply generated from the
> > docbook.  It would not be appropriate to make changes to the HTML, because
> > they could not be merged back into the original.
> > 
> I've had a similar problem today.  I wanted to go from docbook(SGML) to 
> ReST so we can use the ReST to write docbook(XML) latter.  The stupidity 
> of the whole concept only struck me when I was away from my computer 
> doing something completely unrelated.
> So I have a question for the doc team and the larger dev community.
> Does anyone have any problems with larger docs being done in docbook 
> (pref xml version this is the 21st century) and transformed to html for 
> presentation in on the site?
I thought we had decided to use anything that the author felt
comfortable with for bigger docs.  We will not be adding all of the
bigger docs to the site I do not think(I could be very wrong).  But I
know I like to write docbook for bigger docs and it also makes it easier
if we use docbook because yelp can render it than.

> It seems that although we have good tools on the site for small doc 
> development and teamm working we are currently lacking in tools for 
> larger projects.
This is very true.
> Do we have access to a revision control server the doc team can use.  I 
> prefer SVN but would use anything (even arch ;-) ) but I reserve the 
> right to lose all ubuntu towards the first person to say visual source 
> safe ;-)
I would like to see us get something like this also.  Would cvs be good?

> Whatever we use scripts can be written to keep the site up to date but 
> we need something where releases of docs can be set so we can work on 
> different versions to support stable releases while working on next 
> release docs.
> any suggestions.
> -- 
> <davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"
John Hornbeck

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