What are YOUUUUUUUUUU doing????

John Hornbeck hornbeck at freeshell.org
Wed Oct 27 22:04:17 UTC 2004

	I would like to start a thread about areas in which people are
interested in working, and start having them work in those areas.  We
are looking at about six months to get all the docs done for Hoary and
still try to get good docs into Warty soon.  Here is a list of what I am
working on, and what I will be working on.  Please post the same and
than we can start a wiki page listing who is working on what.

"Learning Ubuntu Linux"(working title),  this is the oh so controversal
book.  I have started work and will be contacting people about helping
me with areas.  If you would like to help, please shoot me a email off
list so that we can work together and colaborate.  I will be keeping the
work of this book off list so as not to have to many hands in the pot.
It will be released GPL, and will be available online.  I will be
posting pieces as I go, but until a structure is there, I don't want it
to be a debate piece.

Emerging Technology:  I will be writing wiki docs for emerging tech that
I find interesting or that others point me to.  This will mainly be
stuff that has to be installed from source and mainly cvs.  Examples:
Beagle, alot of mono related software, and setting up testing areas to
build cvs version's of things like evolution and other gnome
technologies.  I am more than happy to have help on this.

Wiki/website cleanup,  I will be working around the sites spell
checking, fixing links, proof reading in general.  I think this is a job
for everyone.

Gnome User Guide,  Please take this from me.  I am currently working on
this but I HATE it.  It needs to be done so i am doing it(with Sivan)
and I just think it is real bloated and uneasy to work on(I should be
telling you it is such a joy, and I just feel like I am having to much
fun with it :-)

Those are the items I am working on.  The book is my first priority,
because I want it to be able to go out around Hoary and to hopefully get
published around the same time.

Your turn,
John Hornbeck

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