Documentation item in Bugzilla

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Wed Oct 27 12:30:51 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 11:53 +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a foot in Bugzilla!
> It's been discussed some time ago, and now a new bugzilla product called
> "Documentation" has been added for us to use:
> We can use that to file and collect documentation requests, problems
> with existing documentation and whatever we want.
> Since it's a product, we also have the possibility of creating
> components inside it whenever in the future we'll need to track more
> specific issues.
> Ciao,
> Enrico
Man that is great.   Good job Enrico.

John Hornbeck

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