New wiki

Jose Henriques henriquesjl at
Tue Oct 26 22:22:01 UTC 2004

Where do i register? Or is by invitation only?

JoseHenriques, stuck @ old wiki :(

On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 20:53 -0500, John Hornbeck wrote:
> I was just doing some editing to the new wiki, and I must say I am
> impressed.  I really like the editing and the moinmoin markup looked
> fine to me.  I am excited to get started learning reStructuredText and
> StructuredText.  Good job to those who worked on making the new wiki
> happen.  I hope the few bugs left will be gone soon.
> -- 
> John Hornbeck
Jose Henriques <henriquesjl at>

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